“In the Shop” w/Jackie Robbins E#2 Classic Rocker Leather Sports Coat is 12 years old

Yes, this leather Sports Coat is 12 years old, and it is owned and loved by real rock star, one of the best rock guitar players in the business. I believe I made this for him in 1999 or 2000. It was sent over to me for it’s first repair in all these years, something not too complicated, where the lining had been shredded where it rubbed against his wallet chain behind the left bottom front pocket. I am marveling at the condition of the jacket, it’s still great looking, not too badly worn and style very hip. I actually love how the surface of the skin has worn a bit around the collar and lapel, shoulder seams and along the edges, the permanent wrinkles where this person bends his arm or sits.  This is what we like to call “character” that gives a leather garment a life and a history to the person who wears it. The fit becomes personalized too, draping on the body that wears it in a relaxed manner. Maybe this one will go into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, after the man wears it for another 20 years!